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获奖等级:幼儿组 一等奖


我们看到在这件作品当中有一个非常大的大鲸鱼,而在鲸鱼的背上有一个小朋友亲切地怀抱着它。在整件作品里,用蓝色来代表海洋,同时,大面积的蓝色和黄色形成了鲜明的色彩上的补色对比,不仅让我们感受到人与自然和谐共生的一种浓浓的暖意,作品的最上边写上了“COLOR WORLD” 多彩世界,我们本次绘画展的主题,充分可见小作者既立意明确又想象力丰富,把自然的美景和人与自然和谐相处的融洽感觉表达得淋漓尽致。

This work features a gigantic whale, and a child on its back embraces it in a caring way. In the work, blue represents the ocean. The large space in the blue and yellow forms a striking color contrast, which is a wonderful reflection of the man-nature harmony. The words “COLOR WORLD” on the top of the work is the theme of this painting exhibition, which shows the painter’s clear ideas and rich imagination. It is a vivid portrayal of the scene of beautiful nature as well as the harmony between man and nature. 




获奖等级:幼儿组 一等奖



As we see, this work stands out for its colors. The whole picture shows colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, which exist harmoniously in this picture. More importantly, all the animals take on an anthropomorphic form, as if they have happy expressions. In the work, the colors combine to form a symphony of colors, as if we can hear all the animals singing.




获奖等级:幼儿组 一等奖



This work we now see is a painting called A Parent-Offspring Tour for Crocodiles created by a 5-year-old child. This work is painted in the formal language of Chinese ink painting. As we can see, a long crocodile occupies a large chunk of the picture in the center, and two cute baby crocodiles have a good time while playing on the mother’s back. The work gives a strongly warm sense of family harmony. More importantly, the painter portrays the aquatic plants vividly using the modeling language of ink. In particular, the brushstroke methods such as cun(“wrinkles”), blotting, dabbing and dyeing bring life to the whole picture, especially the expression of the crocodile. This shows that art originates from life but is at a higher level, and that the painter has good observation ability. On the other hand, it also shows the rich imagination and creativity of the painter.




获奖等级:少年组 一等奖


This work is named Species Conservation, a painting created by a 13-year-old child. At first glance, this work gives a wonderful feeling, a montage-like dreamlike world. A polar bear seems to walk from ancient times to the future. It stands above the huge planet Earth, walking in space. If we take a close look, we see that the polar bear’s figure is divided by this photographic technique of montage. In the distance we see buildings belching out polluting smoke, as well as forests in flames, endangered marine animals and the crumbling Arctic glaciers. This work sends us into thinking as if making us concerned about the future of mankind and the planet Earth. Such work reflects the painter’s unique thinking and critical eyes. This work also shows what today’s contemporary young people should do to protect the Earth and how people can live in harmony with nature.




获奖等级:少年组 一等奖



A 15-year-old teenager created this work entitled Pulse from his inner thoughts. The work is divided into two large color blocks. We can see that there seems to be dry land on the left, and a vast ocean on the right. These two-color blocks remind us of the past, as well as the future we are about to confront. This work draws our attention to the various problems we face such as acid rain, global warming. The earth has already been overburdened. The earth has suffered more damage caused by human beings in the past 200 years than in any other era. Can human continue to exist on this planet in the future? This requires our protection of biodiversity and species. Of course, it also concerns the future of mankind. Thanks to this painter for putting an exclamation mark on us through his painting.

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